The Pie Maker, North London
The Pie Maker
My name is Pat Sall and I am the current chair of The Group. We meet in the function room above The Pie Maker in North London. In the early days, when we had first met, we were a self help group under the wing of Alistair Hayden...
When I and the others first met with the late Alistair Hayden it was at Warley Hospital in Essex. Alistair was already in his seventies and with many of his own tales to tell. It seemed that the impossible is drawn to some more than to others and Alistair was a magnet. His calm disposition and clear thinking appeared to override all barriers. Without any deliberate intention, Alistair was soon my mentor and I owe everything to him-we all do. Sadly, we lost Alistair many years ago, when I and the other older members of the group were all still young, but his ethos is our foundation and through him we have been able to develop our thinking and discover what we now know to be the truth of reality.
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For the past six years our core members have been meeting in the function room above The Pie Maker in North London and it is there that we have discussed, developed and produced our website with the intention of telling the world what we have concluded to be the truth about reality and to propose our alternative theory of reality-OMNIS. This site will also give readers accounts of reality breakdowns which The Group believe to be true accounts-albeit written here in an entertaining fashion for effect.
The Group have compiled an immense catalogue of the inexplicable- impossible occurrences which are evidence of Reality Breakdowns or as we have come to refer to them- RBs- arbs for short. Our evidence, along with our alternative theory of reality, is predicting a pending escalation of arbs the conclusion of which can mean only one thing-the complete and total Breakdown of reality. Armageddon is approaching and- soon you will believe...