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'Who is L Lyott?' you may ask. I tell you I am many things. To begin with,  I am an impatient person, so short stories are preferable to read- and to write! My dignity is important too, and so e-books avoid endless rejection. I was a city child and craved the adventure of wilderness. I grew to love escapism and the unknown. From an early age, I have had weird and wonderful dreams and when I was very young I experienced nighttime hallucinations-hypnagogia. I loved the strange and the creepy, the mysterious and the intriguing. My imagination grew, I questioned reality, I wondered, I lusted for other worlds, and then- I drew and I painted. A picture tells a thousand words but pictures could not tell all that was in my head. Eventually, I wrote and compiled tales...


I am still that child who dreams and so, I ask you to please, sample my wares. Who is L Lyott you ask? I am my word... 


the author's name
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twilight zone, outer limits,strange tales comic books,

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        © Copyright  L Lyott  2018  All rights reserved.

About The Author

As an author of the odd, I’d like to remain a little mysterious. However, because publishers consider it commercial to show their authors to be of worthy interest, below is my claim to having an interesting background.


My mother’s family lived in a haunted house, I believe her and her family’s experiences of this are most likely due to hallucinations- when I was very young I had hallucinations. As a child, I was brought up in Manor Park, East London. Those years are my most impressionable and treasured days. But it was during this time my mother had her first breakdown.


Manor Park was a catalyst for my imagination and my desire for other worlds. I found myself trapped in the dull confines of the inner city but dreaming of places I'd seen on the screen and in the pages of books and comics. I was very fortunate to live within walking distance of several open spaces- Wanstead Flats, The London Cemetery, The Ilford Golf Course, Valentines Park, and by far the best of all- Wanstead Park. These places were my opportunity to escape and to imagine. My imagination took hold of me but at school I struggled with reading and writing. In consequence, my first opportunity to be creative resulted in endless drawing and painting for which I got much praise and I was, for a short while in my adult life, a practicing artist. I struggled at the bottom of the class with English and eventually failed my English exam, but nonetheless one English teacher once read something I'd written ,out aloud to the whole class, and another, who simply must have ignored my poor spelling and grammar, had me top of the class-but only for a single half term. This particular teacher and I must have shared similar tastes because every time he set essays it was always on something which I could write about with passion. His recognition encouraged my creativity to expand into writing.

artwork, strange snow,

What If Snow...

artwork,surreal symbolism,

The Survivor

artwork, street history,

Archaeology Street-exhibited at

The Bankside Gallery, London

wanstead park, grotto,

The Wanstead Park Grotto

john lee hooker, musician,

' It's in him and it's gotta come out- '

Essentially I write to escape and my chosen genre generally allows me to escape the furthest. My imagination constantly poses me with what Stephen King has referred to as, 'What if...' scenarios. I cannot help but become drawn into those 'What if..' places. 


When it was time to leave school the idea of being either a writer or an artist seemed very much pie in the sky, more so with becoming a writer as I'd failed my English exam. I went into engineering and then into local government. It was during this period that my mother’s mental and emotional state peaked, resulting in my father killing her. Not long after my mother’s untimely death I saved money and fulfilled a dream- I travelled around the world.  Whilst on my travels I had time to reassess my life. I decided to improve my English and, whilst working as a teaching assistant, I re-sat the exam and passed with a grade A. It was when, as a Teaching Assistant, I 'leant about learning' that I came to the conclusion that my difficulties with language were, at least in part, due to having minor Language Processing difficulties. I'm grateful that my difficulties have not been sufficient to hold me back.


Like most people, so it seems, I also have a passion for music and, as with painting and writing, music became a personal pursuit. The consequence of my musical passions has allowed me to have a lot of fun. To explain the necessity for a person to be allowed to follow their creative path I'd like to use the lyrics of  John Lee Hooker-  'let that boy boogie woogie- it's in him, and it's gotta come out!'

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